About Back Blurb
Hey there! Thanks for checking out Back Blurb! Let me tell you what it’s about and why you should subscribe.
Back Blurb explores what makes books great — the intricacies of a character arc, the subtle cultural references, and every other tiny but significant literary device that turns a good book into a masterpiece. I don’t write traditional, long-form book reviews. Instead, I highlight and dig into one character, scene, theme, or other aspect of a book that I found fascinating. By narrowing our focus to a unique aspect, we can deepen our appreciation for the book, further enjoy everything else we read, and have a lot of fun along the way.
As the title suggests, all my essays are brief and all-inclusive. You don’t have to read the selected book to enjoy the insights. Like a book’s blurb, each essay is designed to be accessible to everyone. I also keep them very short, so you can easily consume them in between meetings or while you’re waiting for the bus.
As an author, I initially started these investigations to enhance my writing. However, I’ve had so much fun with them on my own that I now want to share them with like-minded readers. I'm eager to hear your ideas and interpretations. Together, we can create a vibrant community of curious readers, each contributing their unique perspectives and opinions.
If this sounds interesting to you, I encourage you to join us.